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Everywhere you look, asphalt pavement leads the way. Whether you are walking through your neighborhood, driving on the highway, or parking by your favorite retail store, chances are you are on paved asphalt. 

However, not everyone realizes how essential asphalt paving and patching services in Utah are in their daily lives.

Roads and parking lots typically involve asphalt paving and patching. This roadway medium includes layering the toughest infrastructure together—asphalt. When constructed correctly, asphalt pavements can handle even the most troublesome traffic possible.

But, not all asphalt pavement is the same. Let’s look at asphalt paving and patching more in-depth, so you can better understand its importance and how to find the right asphalt paving contractor to use.

What is Asphalt Paving?

Asphalt paving is the process used when paving a road with asphalt. Asphalt pavement is the most commonly used paved road type. Not only is it highly durable and attractive, but it takes less time to install than other pavement types. When properly installed, asphalt pavement is the better option for a variety of reasons.

Some of the benefits of asphalt paving include:

  • Appearance
  • Cost-Efficiency
  • Environmentally-Friendly
  • Drivability
  • Noise Reducing
  • Promotes Water Drainage
  • Safety
  • Timely Installation

What is Asphalt Patching?

Asphalt patching is different than asphalt paving, as it deals with repairing asphalt pavement. Over time, asphalt pavement receives massive beatings, including everything from weather to vehicle accidents. Asphalt patching is a cost-effective way of protecting and repairing those asphalt surfaces that need fixing.

An asphalt patching system helps repair the top two inches of an existing asphalt pavement by adhering new asphalt to the current installation through tack coating or grinding. These two types of asphalt patching can patch a cracked surface or repair a pothole.

You must work with the appropriate asphalt patching company or asphalt paving contractor when you require asphalt services since roads are only as strong as their foundation.

The Difference Between an Asphalt Patching Company and Asphalt Paving Contractor

Knowing the differences between asphalt patching and asphalt paving can also help you understand how an asphalt paving company and asphalt paving contractor differs between the other. Not all asphalt companies provide the same services, which is why you must understand what you need before settling on an asphalt pavement contractor.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I need a completely new roadway?
  • Can my pavement be repaired?
  • How damaged is the asphalt pavement?
  • What type of asphalt do I need installed on my project?

Luckily, you can talk with an experienced asphalt company to better understand your needs and how they can help.

The Cost of Private/Residential Asphalt Patching and Paving

There are a lot of factors that come into play when figuring out the cost of an asphalt paving and patching service. What might affect the price of your asphalt pavement may include location, square footage, asphalt mixture, and type of service.

The average cost of asphalt repairs ranges between $980 and $3,487, according to Home Advisor. Further estimates for asphalt pavement include a wide range anywhere from $250 to $6,000. Some homeowners may even pay $2,214, depending on the damage and other factors. Pothole and crack repair can also reach as low as $100 to $300, with major repairs costing up to $3,000 or more.

What to Look for in An Asphalt Company

Finding the right asphalt pavement company is the next item on your to-do list. However, a quick Google search of “Asphalt companies near me” could bring up a long list of options. Here are what our team of asphalt pavement experts suggest you look for in an asphalt contractor.

1. Experience

One of the tell-tale signs of a reputable asphalt paving company is their experience. An asphalt pavement company’s background will provide you with a great deal of information regarding their service and professional abilities. You should also make sure that the company has the qualifications and credentials needed to complete your project.

2. Good Reviews

You should never hire any type of contractor without reading online reviews. Look carefully at recent reviews. These reviews are the best depiction of how the asphalt paving company currently operations. All in all, online reviews will give you a behind-the-scenes look at how an asphalt pavement company operates before, during, and after a project.

If the asphalt paving company or asphalt patching contractor you are researching receives an onslaught of rave reviews, it’s a positive sign that they’ll do an excellent job on your project. However, numerous negative reviews could indicate the opposite. You should also look at these reviews in-depth, paying attention to the details of the service. Doing so will help you narrow down your final choice.

3. Competitive Costs

Another factor to consider when selecting an asphalt paving company is its price. While cost isn’t everything, your budget is essential. Try and find some middle ground where you receive a reasonable price from the best quality service provider available. By satisfying both sides of the equation, you are more than likely to come out with a better result.

4. Positive Attitude

Another important aspect when finding a contractor, including asphalt pavement contractors, involves assessing how personable they are as you speak with them. Are they polite? Do they care more about you or their bottom line? You will spend a considerable amount of time working with your contractor, so make sure you get along with them.

The Asphalt Paving and Patching Experts at Morgan Pavement

Since 1982, clients all across the Rocky Mountains and the Southwestern United States have relied on Morgan Pavement for all their asphalt paving and patching needs. Morgan Pavement is a leader in full-service asphalt paving and maintenance. With over thirty years of experience, we specialize in new asphalt paving, repair, maintenance, and pavement marking.

If you are looking for an asphalt paving company or asphalt patching contractor, look no further than Morgan Pavement. Contact us to start planning your asphalt pavement service today.